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How to rotate a Hot Tub pump Wet End

  1. Rotating the Pump Wet End:

    • To rotate the pump wet end, follow these steps:
      • Step 1: Turn off the pump and disconnect it from the power source if alrready connected.
      • Step 2: Identify the wet end of the pump. This is the part that the houses the impller and has the plumbing connections to the Hot Tub.
      • Step 3: Loosen the bolts or fasteners that secure the wet end to the motor assembly. These bolts are typically located around the perimeter of the motor face plate and back of the Wet End.
      • Step 4: Gently rotate the wet end to the desired position. 
      • Step 5: Tighten the bolts back up, ensuring they are snug but not overtightened. Overtightening can cause damage.
  2. Tru Bolt Consideration (for Smooth Motor Design Pumps):

    • If your pump has a smooth motor design (meaning there are no external fins on the motor), pay attention to the following:
      • Tru Bolts are longer bolts that pass through both the front and back casing of the motor to secure the Wet End in place
      • When securing the wet end, be cautious not to overtighten these Tru Bolts. Over-tightening can lead to stress on the motor casing or other components.
      • Use the appropriate torque or tension to ensure a secure fit without causing damage.

Remember, proper maintenance and care are essential for the longevity and efficient operation of your pump. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!🔧

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