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Join our Affiliate Scheme

  • Your own online storefornt
  • You earn a commission on each sale your referred customer makes
  • You have access to 1000's of spa parts
  • We process and fulfill all the orders for you
  • We do all the hard work for you
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Let your customers earn for you...

Is this you?
If you have an online presence perhaps selling Hot Tubs or Hot Tub servicing in your local area & you would like to increase your online product offering to include spa chemicals, accessories and filters why not consider our Affiliate purchase scheme?

In a nutshell…We can offer you…..
Access to a customised/branded online storefront populated with our spa cleaning products, filters and accessories including parts, all of which are directly available from our warehouse.This store front is linked to your own website usually by way of a button saying SHOP.

We charge a one off set up fee to build/populate the storefront.
But then you earn a commission on every sale and you don’t have to lift a finger.
You will have access to the majority of the products that we list on our own websites and

Earn Commission
As our Affiliate partner you just need to market the products to your customers, then wait to receive your commission whenever the referred customer purchases the products.

The commission you receive is much higher than most affiliate schemes because we give you the difference between our standard trade price & the retail selling price less our handling fee.

We do all the hard work for you,….
Not only do we pay you a larger commission but we provide all of the order processing/secure card payments, as well as the pick, pack and fulfilment services. You just sit back and wait to be paid. Note: Essentially the contract is sale is between the consumer and us. You simply act as an affiliate partner recommending our products

How does the scheme work?
The Affiliate pays a small one off set up fee for us to build & populate a customised online storefront.
The store will be branded to include use of your own company logo and basic colour scheme.
We will add products, set the retail pricing & add basic static content

What you need to do:
You the client will need to insert a link on your own website (usually in the form of a button saying SHOP)
The customised online storefront will be populated with 4 top level categories - Spa chemicals - Accessories - Filters - Upgrades. - Parts (optional extra)

What if I want more categories?
There will be an option to add further categories such as Parts including Equipment, Control, Air & Water, Spares etc at an additional cost.

What services are included as standard?
Once the online storefront is designed, built and populated with 100’s of products we will provide the following functionality:
- Hosting & Management of the website
- Secure Order Processing
- Automated email & dispatch notifications to the customer
- Packing slips
- Courier tracking emails
- Secure payment processing by Credit/Debit Card/Paypal/Klarna.
- Pick, Pack and Fulfilment services
- Affiliate Dashboard
– you will have access to the dashboard to view customer orders/invoices etc.
- Parts/Favourite Lists
   Shoppers will be able to save regular items to their favourite lists You might want to help them out by selecting filters & chemicals to suit.

Welcome Marketing Package
As part of the welcome package we will also provide you with 1 x branded website banner 1 x pdf marketing flyer plus 1 x banner image for social media (for you to distribute via email or post) this may include launch information, a welcome off or discount code.

Enquire Now

Chemicals & Cleaning Products

Included Category - Pure-Spa Chemicals, Accessories, Fragrances, Accessories

As standard our Affiliate stores includes categories for selling Spa Chemicals, Cleaners, Fragrances and Hot Tub Accessories

We stock a huge range of Pure-Spa hot tub chemicals & cleaning products
From 1kg pack sizes, bundles, multi packs and even smaller starter kits for those new to Hot Tubbing.
We stock everything your customer needs to maintain their hot tub.

Popular cleaning products include:
Hot Tub System Flush
Spa Surface cleaner
Spa Instant Filter Cleaner

We also offer products such as cover lifters, steps, covers etc.

All available direct from our stock to your customer

Filters & Accessories

Included Category - Pure-Spa Filter Cartridges

As standard our Affiliate stores include categories for selling Spa Cartridge Filters & Associated products.
Our Filter cartridge range includes our own brand Pure-Spa products as well as popular brands such as Darlly and Pleatco.
With all the popular sizes and some unusual ones thrown into the mix you can be sure to offer your customer a convenient supply of replacement filters. Your customers can even sign up to subscribe to save so there's no chance of forgetting to replace regularly.

New ranges include the Darlly Sanistream spapods and our Pure-Spa Free Flow tablet pods 

Pumps and Parts

Optional Category - Equipment and Parts
Talk to us about including a parts range to your online store if that that suits your business.

We stock all of the equipment that you & your customers need for the operation of a Hot Tub or Spa!
From Pumps & Blowers, Heat pumps & Packs to smaller items like Jets and fittings.

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