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And the Winner is.......

We're back from the UK Pool & Spa Expo at the Birmingham NEC, we had a great time, survived the cold weather & met lots of lovely people.
We also left the show as award winners, picking up the "Website of the Year 2015" at the industry awards.
Thank you to everyone who voted, it's great that all the hard work by our team has been acknowledged in this way.

It was lovely to meet some of our customers, both old new. The show itself was great, lots of exhibitors with some fantastic new products.

We launched our "Spa Sled Mover" at the show & the reaction was fantastic. We pretty much sold out and we've got more stock coming in soon, hopefully in time the next show at Spatex in Coventry.
The Sled is an essential piece of kit for anyone in the trade who needs to move spas.
Our competition is still running to win one, just pop along to our stand E7 & guess the number of sweets in the jar.
The draw will take place after the 3rd Feb.

Hope to see you soon
Rosie & John

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