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Introducing: O-Care Spa Water Care

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with O'Care, a dutch company who have developed a natural spa water care product that is already getting some great feedback in the industry.
Hydrospares will be distributing the product for O'care in the UK.

O-Care helps to remove and prevents biofilm and constantly cleans your spa meaning you need less chemicals and it protects your spa components. It's made up of a mixture of high quality minerals so it makes your spa water more natural and it will leave your skin soft and odourless.

Safe - Using O-Care can reduce the amount of chlorine or bromine used by 78%. Sanitizers can sometimes irritate eyes, ears and skin so reducing the chemicals on your spa makes it safer to use for those with sensitive skin and children who love to go underwater.

Soft - The mixture of high quality salts will leave your skin feeling soft and odourless so you will not need to shower after bathing.

Simple - Just add 2 compounds to the spa water once a week using the measuring cup included.

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